Os bolsonaro Diaries

Os bolsonaro Diaries

Blog Article

More than 350 people charged so far stand accused of assaulting police officers, including about 110 who used a deadly or dangerous weapon. Another 310 people have been charged with the obstruction of an official proceeding, the go-to count that prosecutors have used to describe how members of the mob disrupted the certification of the election that was taking place inside the Capitol at a joint session of Congress.

Should Mr. Trump be convicted in a federal case, he would likely then move to pardon himself, a power he claimed in 2018 that he had the “absolute right” to wield. It is not clear whether a self-pardon would be legitimate.

But his campaign, full of angry tirades against corruption and violence that largely matched the national mood, appealed to the millions who voted him into power.

Testimonies from military officials showed that Bolsonaro had allegedly planned a self-coup with the military to keep himself in power.

The vast majority of those who have faced trial have been found guilty of at least one crime or another; only two people — a former government contractor from New Mexico and a low-level member of the Oath Keepers militia — have been acquitted of all the charges they faced.

The Supreme Military Court then analyzed the case. The general in charge of reporting the case voted to acquit Bolsonaro, arguing that he had already been penalized for the initial Aprecie article, that there was no testimonial evidence of his plans to plant bombs, and that there were "deep contradictions in the four graphological exams", two of which failed to conclude that Bolsonaro was the author of the sketches. Bolsonaro was acquitted by the majority of the court (nove v 4 votes). In December 1988, just after this ruling, he left the Army to begin his political career. He served in the military for 15 years, reaching the rank of captain.[35] Early political career

e emprego de medidas para impedir este livre exercício de direitos políticos — pena do 3 a 6 anos de reclusãeste, além de pena relacionada ao ato violento

That same month, shortly before the first round of the Brazilian presidential elections, he said: "We are going to make a government for everybody. For gays, and some gays are fathers, who are mothers. It is a work for everyone".[305] After being elected president, when asked by William Bonner in the Jornal Brasileiro about what he would say to those who are more prejudiced and aggressive against gays, Bolsonaro replied: "The aggression against a fellow man has to be punished in the way of law.

While his rivals were more conventional, Mr. Bolsonaro, now 67, channeled the wrath and exasperation many Brazilians felt over rising crime and unemployment — problems that they increasingly believed the corrupt governing class was powerless to tackle.

Yet another possibility is that if he is incarcerated, upon the start of his second term, he could be removed from office under the 25th Amendment as “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.”

Contudo eu consigo definitivamente entender por de que as vizinhos de que enxergam isso como ameaça sentirãeste que se livrar do Trump poderia resolver todos os problemas.

O de que sabe Acerca suposto plano iraniano de modo a matar Trump — e por qual ele nãeste teria vlogdolisboa relaçãeste com atentado

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